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Igne Ferroque strives to be a guild of mature players who work together to overcome the most challenging content WoW has to offer while at the same time experiencing the real world in healthy doses. We would not consider ourselves "casual" players in that we are dedicated to playing our characters to their fullest potential and conquering the most difficult raid encounters possible. Most of us do, however, have commitments in the real world and therefore
do not plan to raid every night of the week and twice on Sundays.
Igne Ferroque Guild Charter:
Every aspect of the guild is run by the guild Officers, each of whom has an equal voice in the direction the guild will be taken.
The Officers of Igne Ferroque are:
- Salidry, general officer.
- Elieana, raid officer.
- Styrene, tech officer.
- Laughter, recruitment officer.
- Nimbus, records officer.
Experience high end single group and raid content in a friendly, mature and casual adult
Igne Ferroque is not and will not be a hard-core raiding guild. Despite that, our every intention is to enjoy and eventually master the most challenging content WoW has to
General Rules
- Have fun!!! This is a game, after all.
- Behave in a mature, adult manner and treat others with respect.
- It would be wise to remember that your own behavior reflects upon the guild as a whole.
- Excessive foul language, both in TeamSpeak and in-game chat, is generally unacceptable.
- Players creating drama in the guild will absolutely not be tolerated. Please remember to keep your personality disorder(s) to yourself.
- Avoid using exploits, cheats or illegal third-party programs. (Note: Modifications of the XML user interface (UI) are fully legal within Blizzard's terms of service. Modifying your UI to fit your class and/or play-style will very likely make you a better player.)
- Never forget that real life comes first.
- Have fun! Yes, this is worth stating twice!
Continual Expectations
- Install and update required AddOns.
- Regularly visit the guild website and message boards. (1-2 times weekly)
- Participate in raids at least 50% of the time.
Member Expectations
Raid times are Monday-Thursday, 6:30-9:30PM with an optional 4th hour, invites start at 6:00PM Server Time. When any of our raiding members are online during scheduled raid times we expect them to raid with us. Choosing to BG/Arena/PvE/play an alt during scheduled raid times on a consistent basis may result in either a de-ranking to a non-raiding position or an expulsion from the guild. We do not wish to do this, but please keep in mind most, if not all, of our members joined the guild to raid. Raiding is a primary expectation.
As a guild we have never required our members to spec a certain way. However it would be highly recommended in terms of progression if our members spec a way that would help the guild the most. An example is, Rogues spec combat, subtlety is inherently lower dps. Members who insist on staying specced for PvP in raids hinder the rest of the raid who do spec for PvE, and if necessary, members who are willing to respec for PvE may be given priority for nights we are tackling new content (where every last bit of DPS/mana efficiency on heals will make a difference) or if it is apparent that more DPS (or healing) is needed to defeat a given boss. Every person in a 25man raid makes a difference.
Show up prepared. Have all your reagents, be fully repaired, be in zone on time. It takes 10min max to reach any zone in Outlands. Naturally if you just got off work at 6 its understandable that you cant' get to the zone right as raid starts so summons can happen. This is more for anyone sitting in Shatt for 30 min before raid starts then expecting summons. This only slows us down and delays the raid start.
Having fun is important to all of us, and we're a guild that believes that real life comes first, but having fun in-game for this guild involves progressing and working hard at it, and we hope all of our members share a similar attitude.
Member Removal
A member of Igne Ferroque may be removed from the guild for severe and/or multiple violations of the General Rules and Membership Expectations
Application to a different guild indicates your intent to no longer support the efforts of Igne Ferroque, and we consider it unfair and unproductive to be supporting you during your search for a new home. For the same reason, dual guild membership (Except in special cases) is not encouraged. If a member can show they have the time to participate in Igne Ferroque fully as well as another guild, the officers will consider allowing dual membership. However, this would require having two separate characters; you may not have one character in two guilds. We value each and every member and strive to create a successful and enjoyable environment worthy of your loyalty. We regretfully accept an application to another guild without speaking to the guild officers by any member as his/her resignation of all characters from Igne Ferroque.
Any members who have not been online for the past month will be removed from the guild. Any members who have not raided with us who are considered a raider over the past month will be confronted by one of the officers.
Members may have any number of characters in the guild. Only one character may be designated a "Member," while the rest will be considered Alts.
Elaborate guild hierarchies are, in the estimation of the guild leadership, counterproductive. Each of our members is treated equally. Only the following delineations are made with respect to rank:
- Officer - The decision makers who regularly play and continuously contribute to the guild through the guild management and leadership aspects.
- Member - The main character of a guild member.
- Alt - Pretty self explanatory, an alt.
- Applicant - Person going through the trial period, not yet a full member.
- Friend - A friend of a member of the guild. Any friend who would like to raid with us must still go through the applicant process.
- Veteran - Former officers are given this rank.
Raids will start promptly at the scheduled time. If you arrive late, you'll be on your own in getting to the zone-in and making your way to the raid group. Warlock summons are not to be relied upon (warlocks are a shifty bunch that can't be trusted anyhow)
During raids, we want everyone to have fun, but to further that goal, you will be expected to focus on what is happening, what instructions are being given, and what your specific responsibilities are based upon your class and the strategies announced during the raid.
In regard to going AFK during raids, we understand there are times when this is unavoidable. If a short AFK becomes necessary, you are expected to do the following: (1) Inform an officer that you are AFK; (2) /follow someone in your group so that you do not get left behind in the event that we move while you are AFK. If you go AFK during an announced break in the action, you must still set your /afk flag so that the raid window shows that you are away. Guild officers reserve the right to remove you from the raid in the event that your AFKs are excessively long or too numerous, in which case you must leave the instance.
If you become disconnected from the server during a raid, the raid party will proceed without you. It is your responsibility to make your way back to the raid. The raid will wait at least ten minutes before replacing you if substitutes are available.
All raid members must be in the raid channel on the guild Ventrilo server ( A microphone is not required (as you will most likely be muted anyhow) but many important time sensitive instructions will be given out over Teamspeak.
If you need to leave a raid early, you should inform an officer. Please let an officer know as early as possible so that your replacement can have some time to make his/her way to the raid location.
It is not acceptable to allow another person to play your character during a guild raid without the informed consent of the raid leader and the other members of the raid.
Raid Sign-up
Raid signups will be made in the Events Forum on the guild website
Raid Selection
Raid selection will be first come, first served with regard to signups, with exceptions to be made by the Officers in order to establish a viable raid group (i.e. fulfill the basic requirement for tanks, healers and dps). Hybrid classes will be expected to fulfill the role most needed by the raid at any given point in time, not necessarily the role they are specced to fill best, although when selecting roles Officers will take into account a player's talent build.
Characters that are not logged in 5 minutes prior to start time will be passed over for characters that are logged in and available. Characters not present at the instance at the start time may be replaced.
First Aid
All classes are expected to learn and master First Aid.
All classes are expected to carry the best possible bandage type with them during raids.
Multi-boxing refers to playing more than one character at the same time and is not allowed during any guild led event. We don't care how good you think you are, it is not allowed during raids.
Low End Raids
The loot will be handled in a NBG fashion. If more than one player is interested in an item, the looter will be determined by /random. The highest roll will win the loot.
High End Raid
Loot will be distributed using the Ni Karma loot system.
Guild Bank
A "guild bank" has been established in order to serve the guild's members and further the guild's goals. The guild bank is managed by the Officers, with the contents being owned by the guild until distributed to members or otherwise disposed of. During all guild-led events, any item not claimed by a member which is determined to be of interest and/or value to the guild will be stored in the guild bank, pending further disposition.
The guild will not regulate items sold between players, but we recommend giving other members a 50% discount from AH prices. On one hand, you should be able to profit from finding rare items, but on the other, the guild as a whole can benefit by gearing all its players.
With regard to all items acquired from the guild bank:
- Items are not to be resold under any circumstances.
- Items are available only to guilded characters of full members.
- Items must be equipable or useable by the acquiring character at the time of purchase.
Items that create high-end tradeskills are handled in a manner determined by the Officers to best benefit the guild. For example, lava cores and fiery cores are distributed to a crafter for the creation of resist gear, which in return, will be used to gear up players for instances. Resist gear will be distributed to tanks before being made available to other players, the order in which will be determined randomly.
Banked BoE epic quality raid loot will be made available at the start of the next raid for SK bidding.
Bind-on-pickup loot that is not needed by anyone is to be looted by the Master Enchanter. This person will "wreck" it and the components will then be sent to the guild bank. Enchanting components will be distributed by the officers for enchants at the request of the winner of specific epic quality items.
You may learn any profession you wish. If you would like to take on a profession that the guild may be lacking, please consult an officer.
The guild as an entity does not provide free materials to any crafter except in the case of high-end crafted gear (see above). Players may, of course, distribute their property freely and groups that agree to default a certain item (i.e., runecloth) to a player (i.e., a tailor) is acceptable as long as all group members agree.
No crafter is expected to accept financial loss to provide another guild member with an item. At the very least, the cost of all used materials should be covered. Any enchant or combine done with provided materials should be done free of charge. Please remember to be respectful of another's time when asking something of them.
Charter Changes
Changes to the Guild Charter that affect its content require the vote of the guild leadership. The guild leadership reserves the right to change the rules at any time.