Welcome To Igne Ferroque

Welcome to Igne Ferroque, a relaxed PvE/PvP guild on the Darrowmere server, Horde side. Feel free to read our guild charter to learn more about us, visit our event calendar to see what we are up to, or check out our forum to see what we are chatting about.



We aint dead yet!


Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Zul'jin couldn't stand up to our onslaught and he's down for the count!


Still going strong, now with more 5/6 and 3/4 on T5 content goodness!

We had ourselves a nice Lurker Below bisque.

With our help, Morogrim Tidewalker slipped in a shallow puddle.

The Fathom Lord couldn't fathom how we defeated him!

Leotheras never saw us coming.

12/25/07 Merry Christmas, Igne!

There's no stopping us now! We've advanced up to second place on Darrowmere's progression list! Here's our latest exploits:

We stabilized Hydross the Unstable...with our foot.

Yarrmatey was finally reunited with his trusted parrot sidekick! Sadly, he killed Al'ar putting it on his shoulder.

High Astromancer Solarian went on a menstrual-filled rampage, but our Midol enchanted weapons calmed her right down.

11/19/07 More Progress Updates!

This train just keeps on movin'.....

Void "Loot" Reaver gave us phat lootz!

In our excitement to start ZA, we completely forgot to take kill shots of Bear, so here is a loot shot to prove that the bear is dead.

Same as above, proof the bird is dead!

Though we didn't forget to take the kill shot for Lynx... BOOM, dead kitty.

Congratulations to all!

11/07/07 Charter and Progress Updates

First, the charter (which has been updated on the forums) has finally been updated on the website to the latest version.

Now, to the important stuff. Our second night (since the reform) at attempting Magtheridon, and he dropped like a rock; unable to withstand our onslaught!

Congratulations to all who put in the time and effort to make this happen!

07/19/07 ZOMG?! WE UPDATED!

After finally wrangling control from someone, I'd like to give a major update to our progress. Major grats to all involved and their hard work to get us here:

Sent Netherspite back to the Nether.... but not before we stole his lootz!

Kicked Nightbane right square in.. well.. whatever he has left.

And that folkes... is Karazhan! Moving along...

Maulgar and Crew have a new king...

Gruul tried to grow.... but couldn't seem to grow fast enough for us!

Congratulations to all the loot winners and to the guild as a whole! Great work! Just Magtheridon standing in our way now!

05/31/07 Progress!

The Guild's made some nice progression lately! Here's some highlights:

Igne put the brakes on Aran's shady business!

As Illhoof fell, his Stranglestaff was pulled from...Well, you don't want to know where.

And finally, the boss formerly known as The Prince!

Congratulations to all the loot winners. Just a little more until Karazhan is nothing but farmland!

04/20/07 Curator

Curator is kaput! Congratulations to the loot winners.

04/5/07 Opera

The star-crossed lovers found peace in death.

04/4/07 Maiden

After only one and a half nights, the maiden no longer looks so fair.

03/06/07 Recruiting

Igne Ferroque is looking to fill a few slots for Karazhan and future raids. Please read the following post on the WoW forums and then check out our guild charter for more information. If you like what you see, head over to the forum and post in the Inroductions area.